SiteGround Cloud hosting with WordPress offer 1-Click Installer, Autoupdates, Staging for WordPress, SuperCacher with static and dynamic cache, plus memcached. SSH & WP-CLI to get master control over your WordPress and GIT Integrated and interface for easy Git repo creation. The cloud hosting with Magento offer unique Caching for Magento to speed up your Magento. GIT Pre-Installed to easy Git repo creation for your site. Install Magento in 1 Click and SSH Enabled to get master control over your Magento. The cloud hosting with Drupal offer 1-Click installer, Drupal SuperCacher to speed up Drupal with cache, Git integrated and Drush pre-installed to get master control over your Drupal. The cloud hosting with Joomla offer 1-Click installer, autoupdates, jHackGuard installed the custom security plugin will keep hackers away, Joomla SuperCacher static and dynamic cache, plus memcached, staging for Joomla and Git integrated. (67)

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